Bloganuary 24, 2023: How Do You Show Love?


I’m an “Acts of Service” gal, I think. At least that’s who I’ve been for most of my life. I show love by caring about the people I love, doing things for them to (hopefully) make their lives easier and happier. I’ve always been a caretaker, I guess.

Part of that has (historically) always been cooking and/or baking. Tweaking recipes to suit their preferences and/or dietary needs. Making their favorites for special occasions like birthdays and such. Favorite foods for dinner, favorite cakes or other desserts. Even sometimes going a bit overboard because, well—who doesn’t like tying things up into a fun theme of some sort?!

Toss in a bit of random gifting, too. I really enjoy finding small, inexpensive but completely on-point gifts for the people I love and care about. It was so much easier to do pre-COVID when I spent time just wandering about and browsing stores. These days I seem to just want to get in, get what I need, and get back out to the fresh air. No time for random, serendipitous discoveries. Online shopping just isn’t the same.

Link back: Bloganuary • How do you show love?

Want to learn more about love languages? Check out The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman.

Please note: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

It’s one of many books I tackled during the great COVID lockdown of 2020. The concepts it presents are both valuable and appreciated, but the presentation and scenarios are generally Christian-based and can be a bit antiquated. I very quickly developed a mental habit of adjusting for this while I read, and learned to make adaptations for suggestions and descriptions that felt a bit too patriarchal for my personal liking. Your mileage may vary. 💜


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  • Good thoughts! I definitely gained some good insights from 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and it opened me to a better path forward. Your love language sounds really great!

    • Hi Jeanne, The 5 Love Languages is certainly a worthy read for just about anyone, I think. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it! 💜

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