Well, we’ve made it. This is the final prompt of Bloganuary 2023. It’s been fun—even if a little anxiety triggering at times—and I’m glad I decided to hop in there and give it a whirl, but I’m also happy it’s ending. The pressure of daily posting was starting to stress me out and I was overthinking the prompts a bit. Will I do it again next year if it’s available? Probably.
And now let’s get this thing finished! Today’s prompt response:
Sunsets. My all-time favorite sunsets (and sunrises, to be fair) have mostly been at the beach, but that’s no where near here. Up here in the mountains we do get some amazing sunsets, the best of which tend to happen when I’m driving. I used to love taking pictures of them, but never quite got the hang of getting the settings right, so they often didn’t really capture the true beauty of the amazing colors and the way they blended so perfectly.
There’s a spot at the peak of the mountain not far from here, with a clear view, miles wide, of the valley below. It’s a good spot for watching the sunset, from what I’ve heard. I’ve never actually stopped there to check it out.
I’ve also caught some nice sunsets from the Walmart parking lot! I’m not sure why Walmart stores around here like to build themselves atop hills, but they do, and it’s a nice vantage point for sunsets, with the mountains in the distance and patterned fields and houses nestled within the hills and valleys.
I was going to drop a photo I’d taken from the Walmart parking lot in here to show what I’m talking about, but I can’t find the one I’m thinking of and it’s just about time to log in to work. I did find a few others though that are pretty:

And… that’s a wrap, folks! Have a great day! 💜
Link back: Bloganuary • Where is the best place to watch the sunset near you?
The supermarkets round here are on hilltops and consequently get glorious sunsets from the car parks, I hadn’t noticed before now am wondering about that too 🤔
Right? It’s interesting. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great day!