Bloganuary 28, 2023: Describe Your Perfect Birthday Cake


Mmmm… cake. 🤤

Nothing puts the happy in birthday quite like cake!

It’s chocolate. Definitely.

Dark and rich and decadent.

Two beautiful 8″ rounds baked to delectable perfection. They have just the right amount of spongy spring-back when you tap your fingers on them to check if they’re cooled enough.

There’s an amazing lightly sweetened whipped peanut butter frosting slathered generously between its layers and smoothed around both its top and sides.

The kind of cake where the crumbs just want to cling to the knife when you’re slicing it and to your fork while you’re eating it. It doesn’t need to be washed down with a glass of milk or paired with a scoop of ice cream.

Just pure chocolate and peanut butter bliss.

Okay, now I really am hungry for cake…!

The house favorite here when it comes to chocolate cakes: Hershey’s Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate Cake. Photo credit:

😮 Guilt-free admission: We don’t always use Hershey’s brand cocoa powder, we also use Ghirardelli and sometimes a generic store brand. We also switch it up between regular and dark chocolate varieties of cocoa powder from time to time. Oh, and sometimes we replace the boiling water with strong, fresh-brewed dark roast coffee to enhance/compliment the chocolate — kind of a carryover from the chocolate-cream cheese cupcakes that are always a win here too — it really all depends on which icing/frosting and/or filling it’s being paired with and whose cake it is. 😋

Link back: Bloganuary • Describe your perfect birthday cake.

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