AuthorAnn Marie

Oh, no! Biographical info? Uhhh... gimme a few minutes to think on it...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 11 & 12


Day Eleven: How do you define success? Success can be many things to many people, and what one defines as successful is not necessarily the same as what another may believe it is. I guess that’s why this Bloganuary question works. I’m not super into materialistic things and have a bit of a disdain for the capitalistic society we’re living in. Success for me is pretty basic. I...

Wednesday Morning Ramble


Ah, yes, Wednesday. The middle of what may have been a short week for many. Anyone else feel like the days just keep slipping quickly away? Work was a little light yesterday. It seems to be a January trend. I used that time for a brief store run and stopped at Wawa (Oh, I love Wawa!) to even out/top off the air in my tires. The low tire warning light was on Monday evening and the most convenient...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 9 & 10


Day Nine: What is the most memorable gift you have received? Hmm… A book from my sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Turner. Which I actually still have in my collection, though very much worn, having been well-loved and repeatedly read. It’s The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. It was a “gift” at the end of the school year (which I believe may have been her last...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 7 & 8


Day Seven: Write a short story or poem about rain. Okie doke, off the cuff: Pounding now upon the glass Running down in streams Unrelenting stubborn ass Drowning out the screams Know not what the day may bring For all remain the same Each drop brings a painful sting Her soul consumed by shame Day Eight: How far back in your family tree can you go? Not very. I’ve never really gotten into...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 5 & 6


Day Five: What brings you joy in life? This probably sounds trite, but it is definitely my kids that bring me the most joy in life. I knew from a very early age that I wanted children, so much so that I was already testing out and choosing names in my pre-teen diaries (does anyone still use the word diary or is journal now the wholly accepted term?! I don’t know, but I digress). I’ve...

A Little Sunday Morning Ramble


I’m already feeling like I’m fighting a losing battle trying to catch up with Bloganuary. I got four days done yesterday (in two posts: Days 1 & 2 and Days 3 & 4). At some point today I hope to get days 5, 6, 7 & 8 done. We’ll see how it goes. At the moment I am waiting for the load of laundry in the dryer to finish and for the memory diagnostic on the desktop pc to...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 3 & 4


This post covers days three and four. Day Three: What is the earliest memory you have? This is really hard because I feel like I have all these mental blocks hiding away most of my childhood memories. Even when people talk about things that happened, I struggle to place or remember it. It’s all either lost or foggy at best. Though I can’t really place the age, I do remember one night...

Bloganuary 2023 Catch Up: Days 1 & 2


I recently found out that Bloganuary is a thing. Not only does it sound kind of fun, but it’s also likely to help me get back into the habit of (somewhat) daily writing. Since I’m starting just about two weeks behind, I’m going to try to wrap up each missed week in its own post with (hopefully) brief responses to each prompt. My responses so far don’t seem brief enough and I’m afraid...

All the Words Are Rolling Right Off My Fingertips Now


No, not really. I wish they were. I wish I could sit down here and not stumble over all my anxieties. This format does lend a slight bit of anonymity, though it seems not quite enough to fend off the sea of irrationality in which my brain enjoys drowning me. I will keep trying though, lest I cease to breathe, in which case—well, it won’t much matter at that point! Work was scarce again...

How to Get Absolutely Nothing Done


Honestly, it’s a skill that I’ve worked really hard to perfect over the course of many, many years. It’s not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of dedication but, in the end, it’s absolutely worth it! And that’s why, today, I’m going to share how you, too, can become a master of getting absolutely nothing done. Step One: Commit yourself to the cause. This is probably the number one...

About me

Oh, no! Biographical info? Uhhh... gimme a few minutes to think on it...


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