This post originally drafted on June 21, 2023.
How many unfinished post drafts are you sitting on? A few? Too many? None?
I’m almost ashamed to admit that at last review (literally just before I started this one instead of trying to finish any of the others), I’m sitting on 18 unfinished posts. 18! AnnMarie… WTF?!? 😂
Seriously, I don’t quite understand how it happens. Though some of them are drafts I opened and saved from the mobile app prompts with the intention of settling in to respond to them on the desktop. But then I fire the old beast up and get distracted by a zillion other things within mere seconds.
Others are things I started writing about with some sort of passionate drive only to fizzle out a couple paragraphs later. I keep them with the hope that I’ll one day magically work out the kinks in my brain and suddenly all the right words will start dancing off the tips of my fingers and onto the screen.
Today was Wednesday. It’s just about over. In fact, I’m writing this while lying in bed listening to the news. There’s not a lot going on these days that I’m comfortable sharing here at the moment. Perhaps that will change as some time passes–we shall see.
How have you been? Getting things done?
I’ve sort of been getting *some* stuff done. Not so much on others. Slowly moving along on a few different projects and, of course, still actively looking for work. I’m not going to drone on about that tonight though, no worries!
Among my hobbies these days is apparently starting a lot of prompt posts but never finishing any of them. 🙁 Also, consuming much too much news. It’s starting to feel like that train wreck phenomenon where you don’t really want to see it but you can’t just not keep looking? I like being informed but also, there are so many disheartening (and in some cases, absolutely horrifying) things happening that I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of complete emotional shutdown. Not really a place to which I ever wanted to return.
Above content edited and below content added on July 22, 2023.
In other (not so newsy) news, my doggie turned 15 last month. My kids are healthy and trying their damnedest to navigate life under the current conditions. Heavy thunderstorms feel like they are becoming the norm and it’s been HOT and muggy. Someone rear-ended my car the other week while I was stopped at a stop sign and I’m still playing phone tag with the insurance company.
But still, life goes on. 💜